Thought: if drivers lose their licences - how many become "I'm a cyclist myself" ? Or concern trolls ?
Does it explain the 'person-on-a-bike' 'No True Scotsman' thing ?
A motorist pretending to be a cyclist, making a spoof helmet-cam video, to discredit the real ones !
Note that the YouTube user's other videos are of him on a moped, and the branding at the end is MVAR - MotoVlogsAndRants.
Role-playing childish fantasies ?
I wonder if City Transair, 58 Loughborough Road, Mountsorrel, Loughborough LE12 7AT 0116 2300070 are 'John Smith's employer, or if he works with Billy S278MFV of Oakdale Tree Surgery ? Or are they just neighbours from No.74 ?
Street View panel will appear here.
I love the prescriptive, victim-blaming approach to vehicle-danger - pedestrian lanes including a limbo-frame outside the door !This is another attempt.
This cyclist seems over-sensitive - or is he a driver trying to discredit us ?
Was cyclist right to take motorist to task? Sussex Police think not - [ ]
See Also
- Satire - do we have a sense of humour ? - [ Motorism - a failure of democracy ! ]
- No fatal crash in Chichester following ‘horrible hoax’ - [ Midhurst and Petworth Observer ] - google - Tiblisi !
AdBlock stops 70 items - probably malware ?
LTDA Taxi-driver 'Exchanging Places jumps red light - LTDA did an RLJ 'survey'.
"There was in fact no 'die-in' for the rider recently killed in collision with another cyclist. @StopKillingCycl " - [ Rita Krishna on Twitter ]
"It's #walktoschoolweek Thanks for this Boris. #ClutteringLondonsStreets @nickbowes1975 " - [ Vincent Stops on Twitter ]
"One of the challenges for the new mayor will be sorting out the legacy of the old mayor." - [ Vincent Stops on Twitter ]
£17,000 damages for cyclist from insurers of driver who faked photos of crash scene - [ ]
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